Thank you for considering a donation to Indie Memphis!


Thank you for your interest in donating to Indie Memphis! Your support helps us to cultivate community through the most universal form of human connection: storytelling.

Please know that this would not be possible without the generosity and support of friends like you. It is philanthropy such as yours that allows Indie Memphis to continue to flourish and grow. When you support Indie Memphis, you become a part of our film community. Thank you for championing filmmakers, their craft, and Memphis, enabling us and others to experience new stories everyday.

click the button below to make a donation!






Carleythia Anderson

Josh Billue

Susan & Roger Bransford

Jessica Chaney

Cara Dennis

Winta Desta

Angelica Fortney

Teri-Lee Foster

Les Freeman

Ernest Fryer

Kenn Gibbs

Suhair A. Lauck

Anton Mack

Jennifer McGrath

Richard Rawlings

Michael Seeker

Drew Smith

Jessica Smith

Peggy Turley

Dr. Terry Turner