The CrewUp Youth Filmmaking Mentorship is your chance to make a short film with other young filmmakers (between grades 7-12) as well as receive mentoring from a professional filmmaker for FREE. Apply as an individual or as your own team of three. Each group receives $500 to assist in making their film.
This program is FREE! 3 students + 1 professional filmmaker mentor per team. Two, 2-hour meetings per month as a team and mentor, February - June and then as needed. Only students in grades 7-12 are eligible. $500 film budget stipend for each team. Films must be completed by August. World Premiere of your film in the CrewUp Mentor Screening at the Youth Film Fest in the Summer. All films will be judged by an out of town jury and an award will be given to the film of their choice.
Due to the limited number of spots available, not all students who apply will be selected to participate. You will be notified of your selection status by the end of December.